Led by the Light

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

Camping was a regular part of my childhood. My dad used to love taking us on family outings, either at a state park, or on our way to Michigan to visit relatives. He always made sure we were fully equipped with the finest gear, to weather the most challenging of environments. I used to watch with anticipation, as he would unload our station wagon, and assemble our camp site. In just a short time, our tent would be up, and my mom would be busy frying potatoes on the portable gas stove.

Although we always had the latest and greatest camping equipment available, there was one simpler item that seemed to capture most of my attention. It was our Coleman lantern. I was completely fascinated with it, and how it could light up our campsite, even on the darkest of nights. If truth be told, there was another reason I was enamored with it. I was deathly afraid of the dark. Actually, it wasn’t the dark that I was afraid of, but what was growling or slithering in the woods around me. The lantern somehow gave me a sense of protection from the surrounding dangers.

One year, my dad decided to take us to a completely different campground we had never been to before. When we arrived, I noticed something that troubled me right away. The nearest public bathroom was a good distance from our campsite, and I would have to walk down a dirt path just to shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. When I expressed that concern to my dad, he said, “Just let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll walk down there with you.”

After we ate dinner and sat by the fire for a while, I knew the time had come. I was going to have to walk down that path. And even though my dad was going to walk with me, I still had a great deal of anxiety regarding the dangers we might encounter. When I finally told my dad I was ready to go, he did something totally unexpected. He grabbed the Coleman lantern instead of the flashlight. As he lifted the lantern over his head, he said quietly, “I will walk in front of you all the way there.” As we walked toward our destination, I began to truly understand, even as a child, that this is exactly what our God does, for each and every one of his children.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Changing the Path You’re On

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

One morning, while on vacation in Michigan, my grandmother asked me and my younger brother, if we would go on a hike with her out in the country. She wanted to gather some wild berries, which she used to make her homemade pastries. She was also an avid photographer, who enjoyed taking pictures of wildflowers. We weren’t really excited about going, but she promised to make us one of her blueberry pies, if we went with her. That was definitely enough to convince us to go.

That afternoon, we hiked out to this beautiful field, where wild berries were growing in abundance. For the next couple of hours, we picked enough fruit to provide ample preserves, for the harsh Michigan winter. As dusk began to set over the countryside, my grandmother asked if she could take a picture of each of us, before we left. When it was my turn, she said, “I want you to stand sideways, and look straight at that fork in the road, where the two paths split. That way I can take a picture of your profile, with the beautiful sunset behind you.”

My grandmother’s comments completely caught me off guard. Little did she know, I was in the midst of a serious life crisis, where I was facing a “fork in the road” of my own. In this case, it had to do with my relationship with God. The first road, led to the one true God, which would require a total surrender on my part. The second road, led to a god of my own making, which would require me nothing. As my grandmother snapped the picture, it had become clear to me, that I had already chosen the wrong road.

The next several years were very difficult. My life was unraveling before my very eyes. The path that had once promised me freedom, had now led to betrayal. One day, while in college, I was talking with a friend about my commute to school. He mentioned that there was a different road I could take, that would substantially cut my commute time in the mornings. The next day, I decided to take this alternative route. As I was driving, a song came on that I had listened to hundreds of times. On this particular morning, one lyric now seemed to tower above the rest:

“There’s still time to

change the road you’re on.”

I eventually did change the road I was on, and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then, I have been radically changed, and have seen HIM be the one, to lead me into pastures of plenty. And the fruit that he has produced along the way, can only be attributed to his immeasurable, and awe inspiring grace, which rescued me, those many years ago.

“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John‬ ‭14:6‬

Truth and Fiction

Most people will recognize this statue of Romulus and Remus. As the story goes, they were twin brothers abandoned by their parents and set adrift in a basket on a river. Sorry, Moses. They stole your story. It’s not as well known that their mother was a vestal virgin and daughter of the previous king. She was apparently not as vestal virginny as she should have been, though she claims that the god Mars came to her in a sacred grove. When her pregnancy became known, the new king ordered the brothers killed. Anyway, the brothers washed ashore and were found by a mother wolf who took them in and nursed them to keep them alive. Sorry, Tarzan. They were first.

After some months went by, a kindly shepherd took the infants and he and his wife raised them. I’m not sure why the mama wolf allowed this, but I suspect another Roman god was involved. They always seemed to be interfering and causing problems. In time, Romulus and Remus grew up to be great leaders of their people. Like all great leaders everywhere, they wanted more power, so they decided to found their own city. And they wanted to build it at the spot on the river where they came ashore in the basket. Unfortunately, the two brothers identified two different locations. They argued. They couldn’t agree on where they had washed up to shore. Did they come to a reasonable compromise? No, they did not. They fought. One brother killed the other. That brother founded the city of Rome on the spot he identified. The rest is Roman history.

There’s not much about this story that’s historical. We do know Rome was built next to the Tiber River. It was so swampy that the Romans had to build a huge stone drainage system to ‘drain the swamp.’ This makes me suspect the other brother might have been right about the location. We also know the story of Romulus and Remus was a part of the identity of Rome. The wolf image became a part of their culture, appearing in architecture, pottery, drawings, and jewelry. It was a fictional story but it became part of the cultural identity of the Roman world. It may not have been true, but the Romans lived as though it were real.

Which leads to the question: how much of our individual lives is true and how much is fiction? In this post truth world we live in, many would argue that it doesn’t matter. We create our own truth and live out that fiction just like the Romans. My Christian faith says a lot about knowing the truth. It says the truth will set you free. It teaches that denying the truth has consequences. Looking for the truth is painful when you have been living life based on fiction. But we need to look for it and we need to live by it. Truth is better than fiction.

Useful Brokeness

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

One day, my mother brought home a vintage clock that she purchased from a local antique store. Even though she had no idea where to put it, she felt compelled to buy it, since it appeared to be in good, working order. When I first saw it, I couldn’t figure out why she bought it. It looked to me like it was worn out, and had already served it’s purpose. It would also require one of us to wind it up every day with a key, just for it to be useful. All that didn’t seem to matter to my mother, and she proceeded to have my dad make a shelf, to display this worn out relic from the past.

For the next couple of years, we would all take turns, winding up the clock, and resetting the time, just to keep it going. In spite of our best efforts, there were still times, where the clock would remain motionless for days, due to the fact that we were all occupied with other activities. One day, I noticed the clock had stopped, and got the key as usual, to wind it back up. As I was turning the key, the spring mechanism gave way, causing it to spin in the opposite direction. Not only did this render the key completely useless, but the hands eventually came off as well. My mother finally acknowledged that the clock was broken.

Even though it was broken, the clock still remained on the shelve for the next couple of years. Then one day, my mother got an idea. As a gifted artist, who had painted many portraits and landscapes, she decided that she would use the clock as a canvas, to paint a picture that would last, well beyond it’s inner mechanisms. When she was through, it was clear that a new purpose for a broken and lifeless clock had emerged.

As you can see in this old picture, the clock is proudly displayed behind me.

And though it’s original purpose was shattered by brokenness, a new beauty has been brought to life, which has lasted for several years. As I think back on this experience, it’s obvious to me, that in the same manner, God uses our brokenness, to bring to life His pictures of beauty in and through us. And yet, the pictures that he paints will last for more than just a few years. They will in fact, last for all eternity.

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.”‭‭ Psalms‬ ‭34:18‬

You Never Know

I was visiting Pompano Beach, a nice place to escape to for a few days . From my window on the tenth floor, along with the intra coastal waterway and the beach (yes, great view), I could see a small grassy park with a raised mound of grass in the center. I didn’t think too much of it. Maybe it was part of a children’s playground. Maybe the city workers weren’t paid enough to level it. Maybe the Mole Man (Marvel Comic’s Villain) was burrowing up to take over the world. I didn’t know. It was just a mound of dirt.

After a closer examination, I could see a small brick structure at the top of the mound. The next morning, I took a walk to see what this mound and structure was. Actually, I looked it up online first, but that’s far more boring than pretending I didn’t know what it was until I got there. Anyway, when I reached the mound (yes, I really walked there) I discovered this tiny park was called Indian Mound Park. The mound is an old burial ground containing the bones of Tequesta Indians who inhabited the area hundreds of years ago. The little brick structure is a memorial with a commemorative metal plate explaining that the Tequesta buried their dead in community graves.

The past is everywhere around us. You never know where there might be an ancient burial ground (home developers, watch Poltergeist and beware). You never know where there might be lost treasure. Here in Florida, we have a stretch of coast called the Gold Coast because people are always finding coins, jewelry, and pottery from the hundreds of ships that sank in that stretch of water. You never know how much of the past you’re surrounded by until you start intentionally looking for it. Then you find out that the past surrounds you. It’s inescapable. So don’t ignore it. Respect it. And learn from it.

Changing Roads

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

One morning, while on vacation in Michigan, my grandmother asked me and my younger brother, if we would go on a hike with her out in the country. She wanted to gather some wild berries, which she used to make her homemade pastries. She was also an avid photographer, who enjoyed taking pictures of wildflowers. We weren’t really excited about going, but she promised to make us one of her blueberry pies, if we went with her. That was definitely enough to convince us to go.

That afternoon, we hiked out to this beautiful field, where wild berries were growing in abundance. For the next couple of hours, we picked enough fruit to provide ample preserves, for the harsh Michigan winter. As dusk began to set over the countryside, my grandmother asked if she could take a picture of each of us, before we left. When it was my turn, she said, “I want you to stand sideways, and look straight at that fork in the road, where the two paths split. That way I can take a picture of your profile, with the beautiful sunset behind you.”

My grandmother’s comments completely caught me off guard. Little did she know, I was in the midst of a serious life crisis, where I was facing a “fork in the road” of my own. In this case, it had to do with my relationship with God. The first road, led to the one true God, which would require a total surrender on my part. The second road, led to a god of my own making, which would require me nothing. As my grandmother snapped the picture, it had become clear to me, that I had already chosen the wrong road.

The next several years were very difficult. My life was unraveling before my very eyes. The path that had once promised me freedom, had now led to betrayal. One day, while in college, I was talking with a friend about my commute to school. He mentioned that there was a different road I could take, that would substantially cut my commute time in the mornings. The next day, I decided to take this alternative route. As I was driving, a song came on that I had listened to hundreds of times. On this particular morning, one lyric now seemed to tower above the rest:

“There’s still time to
change the road you’re on.”

I eventually did change the road I was on, and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then, I have been radically changed, and have seen HIM be the one, to lead me into pastures of plenty. And the fruit that he has produced along the way, can only be attributed to his immeasurable, and awe inspiring grace, which rescued me, those many years ago.

“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John‬ ‭14:6‬


from the pen of Jeff Joyner

A few years ago, I had a sense from God that I was going to begin a difficult stretch in my life. There have been other times in my life, where I could see a clear, visible outcome ahead. But this time, I sensed what I was facing, would require a level of faith, that I had not yet experienced. For this time, my destination was totally obscured. As the months passed, the trials continued to rise. I began to feel much like a man lost in the wilderness, not sure of where I was headed. The more I prayed, the more unsure I became.

One night, a friend invited us over to have dinner with he and his wife. After some good food and great conversation, he suddenly paused, looked at me, and said, “I feel that God wants me to tell you something.” I knew they had no idea of the specific challenges we were facing, so I was very anxious to hear what he had to say. He said, “Now you are facing much tribulation, but when it is over, you will soar like an eagle.”

This past July 4th, we celebrated again the life of my brother in law, Craig Jutila, who passed away in 2018. July 4th was one of his favorite holidays, so some fireworks were set off in his honor. Not really expecting to be emotional, I found myself still feeling twinges of grief for my buddy. Today, as I was reflecting on this past week, I felt strongly compelled to go back and find Craig’s final post on Facebook. This is what it said.

“Took this pic earlier this week. Added the 1 Samuel reference as a reminder.”

Going it Alone

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

Every other summer, we would spend a week, visiting my grandparents in Bay City, Michigan. My aunt, uncle, and cousins, also lived in the same town, so there was always an over abundance of activities to keep us occupied. My grandfather, who was a third generation Dutch immigrant, lived in a house that could have easily been mistaken for a residence in the Netherlands. Inside, was the smell of coffee, the sound of classical music, and the reflections from the stain glass windows, which lined the upper staircase.

My grandfather also owned a cabin in northern Michigan, which was situated on the Rifle River. There, we would usually spend a couple of days, canoeing, fishing, or watching my grandmother make one of her famous blueberry pies. Though it was summer, it was still chilly at night, so there was always a roaring fire in the fireplace. After dinner, we would usually sit by the fire, and plan our activities for the following day.

One particular night around the fire, I suggested that we all plan a canoe trip down the Rifle River. Although it was one of our usual activities, no one seemed to be interested. After trying a couple different times to persuade them, I got a little miffed, and said, “I’ll just go by myself.” Although my parents were a little hesitant, I was able to convince them to let me go, since I was a teenager, and worked summers as a lifeguard. I told them that when I was done, I would call them from the general store, so that they could bring the trailer there, to come and get me.

The next morning, I got one of my grandfather’s canoes, got on my life jacket, and headed down the Rifle River. About halfway down, I was going over a rapid, and unexpectedly hit some rocks. Next thing I knew, my canoe tipped over, and my feet became wedged between two rocks, right in the middle of the rapids. I tried for several minutes, but was unable to leverage myself enough to reach the canoe. I knew I needed help, and began to pray. When I was done, a Bible verse immediately came to mind, one that I had heard somewhere before during my lifetime:

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.” Isaiah‬ ‭43:2‬ ‭

As I glanced down once again at the rapids, I began to hear voices in the distance behind me. It was two people paddling a canoe. Help had arrived. I was eventually able to finish my course that day, and saw first hand, that God not only answers prayer, but that His intentions for us, is to never “go it alone.” For we will always need each other, until the day, when we finish our final course in life.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians‬ ‭6:2‬ ‭

Find Rest

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

I came home, and threw the keys on the table. I was exhausted. The trials of life had become too overwhelming. I knew God was there, but my circumstances had led me to greatly question His love. The pain was just too great, the desert too dry, and the journey too long. I needed rest for my soul. As despair threatened to close in on me, I uttered to God, “You’ve broken my heart, you’ve broken my spirit, you’ve broken me.”

After sitting in silence for a while, I felt prompted for some reason, to look at the voice memos on my phone. Right away, I could see that there was something I had recorded a couple years earlier. It was a song in the making, that God had given me at the time, to work on at a later date.

Find rest my soul

In God alone

For He is good

He’s on the throne

For what have I

To fear or dread

Find rest my soul

Find rest my soul

At that moment, God’s message to me was clear. I had been looking for rest in all the wrong places. For true rest is not found in the changing of my circumstances, but in the unchanging ONE. For He loves me, He died for me, and He promises to lead me safely home. HE will forever be my light in the darkness, my oasis in the desert, and my rest within this restless world. “Find rest my soul, in God alone.”

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭

Do You Understand How Much God Loves You?

from the pen of Jeff Joyner

It was 1985, and I was on tour with our band. We were booked to do a concert in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, at a pavilion, which was between the beach and the boardwalk. As usual, we set up, got a sound check, and then took some time to “chill” before the concert. I was sitting on the front row by myself.After a few minutes, I noticed three guys walking towards me from the beach. I stood up, we introduced ourselves, and they began asking me what time the concert started, and what songs we would be playing. When I told them we played both secular and Christian music, one guy became extremely angry, that we would consider playing Christian music in a public place. The more I tried to talk to him, the more upset he got. After a while, I could see this was going nowhere, and that I needed to de-escalate things as soon as possible. I began to silently pray that God would intervene, and give me the words to say. What happened next was totally of God, for I would have never done this on my own. I stopped our conversation, and said his first name. When he looked me in the eyes, I unexpectedly began to cry. Finally, through the tears, and with great emotion, I said, “Do you have any idea how much God loves you?” For several seconds he stared at me in silence, and then looked down quietly. GOD had struck a chord in his heart. It was clear to me, that he had never understood, nor considered, how much God loved him. After that, they left quietly, and to my knowledge, never returned for the concert. As for me, I was left with a sense, that perhaps the tears that were shed that day, were actually God’s and not my own. Whatever the case, I will never forget that moment, and will always cherish this photograph that a band member took. For it will always serve as a reminder to me, just how great God’s love is for us. For me, for you, for each and every one of us.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭